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Autor Tema: Empecé atravesando África... y ya voy por Asia  (Leído 77529 veces)

Desconectado Serrallonga

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    • HZJ78 Serrallonga y sus habitantes
Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #90 en: Jue, 12 Noviembre 2009, 18:25:30, pm »
Carnet passage;
Que es y para que sirve, Afri ponlo en la pagina de cosas utiles, vamos digo yo

Gracias, ¿te importa subirlo tú mismo?, es que ando liadilla ahhora y se me va a olvidar.

Gracias serrallonga.

Ya le diije a Hamido que bajareis en la 1ª semana de Diciembre. Pero con lo despistado que es, no sé yo... ;D

Si pasaremos la primera semana de diciembre, pero lo que no se es si pararemos, depende de como vayamos de tiempo, asi que ya veremos si paro en Ifni o no, si teneis algo para llevarle avisame y entonces no abra mas remedio que pasar.

Desconectado M. López

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #91 en: Jue, 12 Noviembre 2009, 20:10:05, pm »
...lo que te digo manolo que estos trastos grandes, nos han hechao a perder.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;)

A tí te ha hechado a perder!! A mí de momento me tiene sin un euro !!! 8)

Cuidate y disfruta todo lo que puedas!!

Desconectado Casper

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #92 en: Jue, 19 Noviembre 2009, 11:22:29, am »
Un saludo David, que alegria tener noticias tuyas en este foro.
Estuve siguiendote en la pagina web que tenías montada hasta que llego la publicidad porno.
Por lo que veo sigues por esas tierras, que tal todo?
Bueno ahora te seguire desde esta web.
Un saludo paisano.....................Bueno que Yo soy de Badajoz aunque vivo en MAdrid je je je

Desconectado feldavid2

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #93 en: Dom, 06 Diciembre 2009, 23:39:49, pm »
Saludos desde brazaville, por fin llego.
Mas que un camion vivienda parezco un hostal con ruedas, porque voy recogiendo a toda alma perdida, pensaba que iba a seguir solo,pero ando con un japones "yu" un brasileño "pepe pedales", y una salmantina; que así me aligeran el presupuesto, y de paso conoces gente;tambien se unio una pareja de albacete con su mitsubishi "miki", que no se manejaban mucho con el 4x4 y me siguieron para pasar un tramo de pistas.
total que aqui estamos en el l´hipocampe que "es gratuit" como dicen los franceses.( al lado de la post central)

Intentamos pasar el sabado la frontera y despues de pasar todos los controles, en el barco hacia kinsasa no cabia ni un alfiler, asi que el lunes temprano saldremos, informaros que los barcos para coches salen los lunes, miercoles y viernes. generalmente. aunque otros dias podrias embarcar es mas complicado. el domingo no hay nada.
el camion me salio por unos 70.000 cefas. negociando. y en la entrada a la frontera no hay que pagar nada aunque os pediran.
En unos dias estare en Matadi.

Desconectado House

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #94 en: Lun, 07 Diciembre 2009, 01:51:14, am »
Hola David

osea que al final si se podia llegar al Congo en camion??

ya me diras la ruta que has hecho y lo mas importante como has gestionado y donde  los visados desde que has retomado el viaje que yo voy detras tuya tambien en camion.

Si necesitas algo mas informacion de la ruta  aqui estoy.

La carretera de Angola la acaban de asfaltar los chinos segun lo ultimo qu se. Ya me diras si es correcto.


te pego esto. te puede interesar

Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)

Camp sites
Town               Name   Note
Road from Boma to Tshela   5°32.487'   S   13°01.07'   E   Camped in centre of village   Gave candles and fags. Only stopped here as missed turning to Matadi
DRC-Cabinda border    5°44.51'   S   12°17.74'   E   Road gets fun from here
Junction to Matadi   5°41.62'   S   13°03.96'   E   Turn east here, marked with a concrete monument
DRC-Angola border   5°51.73'   S   13°26.15'   E   Very steep hill, immigration at the top on the right, level parking behind the building, customs on the left at the bottom.
Cabinda border - Boma
Mass of sandy tracks flanked by tall grass, fairly easy going, just keep heading south then east. Once into the trees it gets fun, sticky muddy patches with deep ruts. Ends with poor gravel road into Boma.
Boma - Matadi
Tarmac, varying quality, but generally quite good outside of towns.

Angola GPS points and information

Camp sites
Town               Name   Note
18km South West of Mepala   1°49.57'   N   11°38.11'   E   Bush camp, on side road   
25km North East of Nzeto   1°52.03'   S   10°59.99'   E   Bush camp, on side of road   
8 km South of Nzeto   2°23.01'   S   11°19.78'   E   Bush camp, on beach   Deserted beach, see below for start of track
Luanda   8°48.05'   S   13°13.41'   E   Club Nautico, camped in car park   free, ask in restaurant.
Half way from Sumbe to Lobito   11°49.73'   S   13°56.57'   E   Bush camp, on side of road   stunning views
South of Dombe Grande   13°11.34'   S   12°59.33'   E   Bush camp, on small side track   376m alt, great views and quiet
Between Lucira and Bentiaba   14°04.90'   S   12°24.33'   E   Bush camp, on side of road   80m alt, grass topped plateau
South of Chibemba   15°45.54'   S   14°05.33'   E   Bush camp, down side track   
Mepala junction   6°08.69'   S   13°48.60'   E   
Tomboco Junction   6°46.91'   S   13°20.92'   E   
Nzeto Junction   7°13.73'   S   12°51.63'   E   
Start of track to Beach bush camp   7°17.31'   S   12°51.63'   E   Hidden in long grass
Inter market, supermarket, Luanda   8°48.35'   S   13°14.51'   E   
Fuel station, just south of Luanda   8°54.78'   S   13°10.56'   E   Queues are less than in town, well stocked shop, don't like to fill Jerry cans
Junction to the Mussolo peninsular   9°06.51'   S   13°00.56'   E   We did not go but others say it is really nice
Fuel station, northen Lobito   12°22.60'   S   13°34.35'   E   
ShopRite, supermarket, Lobito   12°21.83'   S   13°33.11'   E   South African chain, made Ally home sick, prices OK
River crossing   13°20.14'   S   12°56.13'   E   Wide, soft and shallow, need to lower tyre pressure, start of rocky ascents & descents to the south for 10kms
River crossing   13°33.52'   S   12°38.45'   E   Narrow and shallow, may need low tyre pressures
Lucira junction   13°54.54'   S   12°31.80'   E   Kilometre marker on Michelin amp
Carujuma junction   13°59.34'   S   12.27.09'   E   Apparently very nice last beach stop
Namibe junction   15°01.47'   S   12°21.19'   E   Check out the road signs
Fuel station, Caraculo   15°01.28'   S   12°39.42'   E   
Fuel station, Santa Clara   17°23.17'   S   15°53.33'   E   Can be very long queues and a lot of people, watch your stuff
Angola-Namibia border, Santa Clara   17°23.49'   S   15°53.46'   E   Fairly Harmless, quick 'cos end of day
Fuel Prices (Diesel Litre)
Border (Matadi) - Tomboco, via Mepala
Narrow earth track, bumpy but soft in places, little used so fairly easy
Tomboco - Nzeto
Worst road in history, 100% potholed hell. Once was tarmac, now is potholed or slushy mud. Beware of the puddles/potholes of tothe sides they can be deep (see photos)
Nzeto - Luanda
Starts as badly potholes tarmac / gravel road, gets a little better towards Luanda. New tarmac starts around Caxito toward Luanda.
Luanda - Lobito, via Sumbe
Smooth tarmac to Sumbe. After Sumbe tarmac becomes a bit potholed with the odd muddy section, but it seams there are attempts, by the Chinese, to resurface.
Lobito - Bentiaba
Good tarmac south to Baia Farta then potholed tarmac to Dombe Grande. South from here is rocky/gravel track that crosses rivers, has very steep rocky ascents and descents and the odd corrugated sandy section in the valleys. generally slow and painful but very beautiful. From Lucira, heading south, there is potholed tarmac.
Bentiaba - Lubango
A few km's south of Bentiaba the new tarmac starts, its a dream, long smooth straights. Just watch out for the suicide birds. The road north from the Namibe junction to Lubango is even better, road marking and all. The climb up the side of the plateau is steep but beautiful
Lubango - Namibia Border (Oshikango)
The road to the border starts ok but quickly deteriorates, soon after Chibia its very potholed, still better than north of Luanda though. Look out for the odd side track, these can be just as slow, because of the mud, but its a lot nicer on the car and nerves. Improves from time to time south of Chama. From Xangongo to Ondjiva is under massive resufacing and widening so should be very good soon. South from Ondjiva to the border is great, 120km/h speed limit and if your car can do it you can.

Desconectado House

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #95 en: Lun, 07 Diciembre 2009, 02:02:56, am »
estos wpt te pueden ayudar en la subida

Hotel, Matruh   307   6439       37 0   
Salma campsite, Cairo   476   6915   7.5 p   380   GPS N29 58.184 E031 10.420
Hotel, El Tur   538   7453       340   
Ras Mohammed, beach camping   201   7654       370   GPS N27 50.047 E034 13.847
St Catherine's Monastery   243   7897       380   
Nuweiba, camp   139   8036       360   
Basata, campsite   26   8062       350    GPS N29 12.224 E034 43.905
Salma campsite, Cairo   495   8557       360   
Bahariyya, Bedouin village camp   431   8988       330   
Farafra, hotel   187   9175       360   
Dakhla, Bedouin village camp   314   9489       380   GPS N25 33.741 E028 56.965
Kharga, grounds of hotel   205   9694       340   
Luxor, Rezeiky campsite   370   10064       350   GPS N25 42.693 E 032 38.907
Aswan, Adam's home, campsite   253   10317       320   GPS N24 10.167 E032 51.963
Ferry, from Aswan to Wadi Halfa (Sudan)   55   10372       300   


Nile Hotel, Wadi Halfa   5   10377       380   
Camping by the Nile south of Abri   272   10649       350   N20 14 12.3  E030 34 24.4
Camping beside the Nile Cataract   99   10748       360   N19 42 40.4  E030 23 27.8
Desert camping   282   11030       340   N17 44 43.7  E031 21 00.0
National Camping, Khartoum   311   11341   30p   430   N15 31.485  E032 34.175


Camping:  Ghion Hotel, Bahar Dar   363   12280       360   N11 35.873  E037 23.150
Camping, Belegez Pension,  Gonder   171   12451       340   N12 36.631  E 037 28.323
Camping, Simien Mountains   107   12558           
Simien Park Hotel, Debark   60   12618   33p   280   N13 09.161  E037 53.916
Africa Hotel, Aksum   262   12880       300

Ras Alula Abanega Hotel, Mekele   273   13153       320   
Genet Hotel, Woldia   286   13439       300   
Alif Paradise Hotel, Lalibela   178   13617       300   
Tekle Hotel, Kombolcha   319   13936       300   N11 06.614  E039 44.569
Taitu Hotel, Addis Ababa   448   14384       220 rain   N12 36.468  E037 28.242
Camping at Abiata-Shala NP   252   14636       280   N07 31.695 E030 40.071
Camping, Dinsho Lodge, Bale Mts NP   205   14841       180   N07 05.462  E039 47.322
Camping, Sanetti, Bale Mts NP   79   14920       140   N06 50.998  E039 52.863
Camping, Adenium campsite, Awassa   248   15168       280   N07 04.572  E088 29.059
Camping, Wondo Genet Resort Hotel   54   15222       330   N07 05.007  E038 38.252
Camping, Yavello Hotel, Yavello   328   15550       280   N04 53.031  E038 08.48

Camping, Moyale Kenya Wildlife Camp   207   15757       300   
Jeyjey Club, Marsabit   255   16012       320   
Camping, Range land Hotel, Isiola   266   16278       340   N0 17 31.6  E37 33 26.8
White Star Hotel, Meru   65   16343       280 rain   
Camping, Jungle Junction, Nairobi   324   16667   49p   220 rain   S01 17.325  E036 45.635
Camping, Red Elephant Lodge, Voi   345   17012       320 rain   S03 22.270  E038 35.649
Camping, Twiga Lodge, Tiwi Beach   214   17226       340   S04 14.481  E039 36.143
Camping, Red Elephant Lodge, Voi   187   17413       300   S03 22.270  E038 35.649
Camping, Jungle Junction, Nairobi   364   17777       250   S01 17.325  E036 45.635
Camping, Kembu Campsite, Nakuru   219   17996       300   S00 17.983  E035 54.036
Camping, Roberts Camp, Lake Baringo   193   18189       340   N00 36.732  E036 01.436
Camping, Naiberi campsite, Eldoret   224   18413       320   N00 26.862  E 035 25.327


Camping, Crows Nest, Sipi Falls   254   18667       380   N01 20.108  E034 22.153
Camping, Eden Rock, Jinja   208   18875   44p   320   N00 29.079  E033 09.704
Camping, Backpackers Hostel, Kampala   90   18965       300   N00 18.466  E032 33.043
Camping, Red Chilli Rest Camp, Murchisson Falls    297   19262       360   N02 16.627  E031 33.842
Camping, Lake Nkurubu   459   19721   47p   350   N00 31.108  E030 18.135
Camping, Queen Elizabeth National Park   157   19878       360   S00 11.785  E029 54.080
Camping, Bunyonyi Overland Camp, Kabale   336   20214       250 rain   S01 16.165  E029 56.220


Solace Ministries Guest House, Kigali   116   20330       rain   S01 56.671  E030 05.484
Camping, Episcopal Church, Ruhengeri   140   20470       rain   S01 30.426  E029 38.310
Auberge de Gisenyi   111   20581   59p   rain   S01 41.773  E029 15.665
Solace Ministries Guest House, Kigali   245   20826       rain   S01 56.671  E030 05.484
Camping, Rwanda/Tanzania border   182   21008       sun 290   


Camping, Mwanza Yacht Club   392   21400   62 p   240 rain   S02 31.733  E032 53.650
Camping, Serengeti StopOver   139   21539       270   S02 12.155  E033 51.880
Camping Doffa Campsite, Karatu   286   21825       280   S03 21.196  E035 36.682
Camping, Honey Badger, Moshi   330   22155   58 p   330   S03 21.050  E037 23.028
Camping, Ngorongoro Safari Resort   607   22762       280   
Camping, Honey Badger, Moshi   250   23012       300   S03 21.050  E037 23.028
Camping, Peponi Resort, Pangani   388   23400   58 p   320   S05 17.232  E039 03.981       
Camping,  Silver Sands Hotel, Dar es Salaam   372   23772       300   S06 39.277  E039 12.673
Starlight Hotel, Dar es Salaam               280   
Camping, Kipepeo, Dar es Salaam   50   23822       340   S06 51.107  E039 21.717     
Camping,Tan-Swiss Hotel, Mikumi   339   24161       280   S07 23.720  E037 00.099
Camping, the Old farmhouse, Iringa   260   24421   60 p   rain   S08 08.768  E035 24.775
Camping, Green View Inn, Mbeya   298   24719       rain   

Camping, Sangilo Sanctuary   246   24965       30o   S10 31.075  E034 13.066
Camping, Lukwe Eco Campsite, Livingstonia   43   25008   57 p   280 rain at night   S10 35.128  E034 07.663
Camping, Mzoozoozoo, Mzuzu   144   25152       290 rain at night   S11 27.443  E034 01.697
Camping, Nkhwazi Lodge, Chintheche   104   25256       300 rain at night   S11 53.658  E034 10.039
Camping, Njobvu Safari Lodge, Nkhotakota   164   25420       300   S13 02.801  E034 19.612
Camping, Lilongwe Golf Club   190   25610       v. warm   (thermometer lost!) S13 59.657  E033 46.154
Campi ng, Steps Campsite, Senga Bay   163   25773       hot   S13 42.926  E034 37.726
Camping, Trout Farm, Zomba Plateau   283   26056       warm   S15 21.191  E035 18.031
Camping, Limbe Country Club, Blantyre   88   26144   57 p   rain   S15 49.353  E035 03.705


Camping, Motel Tete   251   26395       warm   S16 09.880  E033 35.935
Camping, Pink Papaya, Chimoio   379   26774   25   hot   S19 06.621  E033 28.335
Camping, Hotel Seta, Inhassaro   412   27186       v. hot   S21 31.930  E035 12.118
Camping, Blue Waters, Vilankulo   95   27281       v. hot   S22 03.159  E035 19.445
Camping, Bamboozi, Tofo   395   27676   26   v. hot   S23 50.483  E035 32.208
Camping, Pandane Beach   70   27746       rain at night   S23 50.483  E035 32.208
Camping, Bamboozi, Tofo   61   27807       rain at night   S23 50.483  E035 32.208
Camping, Hotel Seta, Inhassaro   360   28167       v. hot   S21 31.930  E035 12.118
Camping, Chicoteca, Chimoio   415   28582   25   hot   S19 06.673  E033 26.433

Ann Bruce's Backpackers, Mutare   110   28692       warm   S18 58.273  E032 40.474
Camping, Hillside, Harare   270   28962       warm   S17 50.273  E031 04.883
Camping, Moth Campsite, Kariba   378   29340   75p   hot   S16 31.952  E028 46.082


Camping, Eureka, Lusaka   222   29562   67p   hot butcold nights   S15 30.226  E028 15.912
John & Gwyneth's home, Mkushi   341   29903       cool   
Camping, Samfya Beach, Samfya   394   30297   75p   warm   S11 20.700  E029 33.729
Camping, Lumangwe Falls   389   30686       hot   S09 32,325  E029 23.024
Thorn Tree Guest House, Kasama   270   30956   80p   hot   S10 13.046  E031 10.756
Camping, Kapishya Hot Springs   171   31127       hot   S11 10.312 E31 35.771
John & Gwyneth's home, Mkushi   447   31574       cool   
Camping, Eureka, Lusaka   411   31985   67p   warm   S15 30.226  E028 15.912
Camping, Maramba Lodge, Livingstone   482   32467       hot   S17 53.330  E025 51.275


Camping, Ihaha, Chobe NP   124   32591       v. warm   S17 50.285  E024 52.738
Camping, Savuti, Chobe NP   118   32709       v. warm   S18 33.936  E024 03.766
Camping, Xakanaxa,  Moremi WR   172   32881       v. warm    S19 10.905  E023 24.868
Camping, Audi, Maun   134   33015   39p   warm, but v. cold at night   S19 56.038  E023 30.592
Camping, Xwarga, Makgadikandi   243   33258       warm, but v. cold at night   S20 25.589  E024 31.205
Camping, Sunday Pan, Central Kalahari GR   190   33448       warm, but v. cold at night   S21 19.898  E023 41.284
Camping, Woodlands, Francistown   460   33908       warm, but v. cold at night   S21 04.888  E027 27.871
Camping, Itumela, Palapaye   188   34096       warm, but v. cold at night   S22 33.574  E027 07.684


Camping, Polokwane GR   336   34432       warm but cold at night   S23 56.271 E29 28.382
Elephant Walk, Phalaborwa   215   34647   48p   warm   S23 56.970 E31 09.003
Camping, Lower Sabie, Kruger NP   267   34914       warm   S25 07.215 E31 54.999
Camping, Safubi Camp Nelspruit   152   35066       v. warm   S25 28.055 E30 56.830
Camping, Bonamanzi, Paulpietersberg   326   35392       v. warmcold at night   S27 26.441 E30 48.018
Camping, Kwa Rie,  Dundee   123   35515   47p   v. warm,cold at night   S28 10.322 E30 13.334
Camping, Howick Falls   285   35800       v. warmcold at night   S29 29.223 E30 14.203
Camping, Rocky Bay   171   35971       bright, sunnycold night   S30 20.241 E30 44.085
Hole in the Wall, Coffee Bay   469   36440   48p   bright, sunny   S32 01.984 E29 06.581
Camping, Lagoon Valley, East London   307   36747       bright, sunny   S32 01.984 E29 06.581
Camping, Pine Lodge, Port Elizabeth   333   37080   47p   bright, sunny   S34 00.541 E25 41.294
Camping, Wilderness   341   37421       cooler, damp   S33 59.282 E22 38.129
Camping,Zandvlei Muizenberg   448   37869       cold, damp   S34 05.758 E18 28.362
Camping, Kommetjie   140   38009       cold, damp   S34 07.972 E18 20.317
Big Blue Backpackers, Cape Town   91   38100       cold, rain   S33 54.696 E18 24.722

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #96 en: Lun, 07 Diciembre 2009, 08:11:06, am »
Ánimos feldavid, y enhorabuena por ir llegando a donde te propones. :)

Un saludo
dunesdesorra: M'agrada mirar lluny!

He podido volver al desierto, ahora me queda subir montañas....

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #97 en: Lun, 07 Diciembre 2009, 19:30:54, pm »
mas wpt

South Africa
place name waypoint description
Durban B&B on the rocks S29 43.467
E31 04.855 A very beautiful and quiet B&B in Umhlanga Rocks, 20 km north of Durban. Nadia and Ross are the very helpfull hostess and host
Kranskop Camp Kranskop S28 59.808
E30 49.847 Beautiful campsite at a lake, there is a claim on the land so we're not sure if this campsite will be around much longer
Blydepoort Aventura Blydepoort S24 34.831
E30 46.347 Big luxurious campsite with everything you can think of
Phalaborwa Camp Phalaborwa S23 56.797
E31 08.078 This simple campsite is in the middle of town, a few km from the entrance of Kruger Park
Balule Camp Balule, Kruger National park S24 03.209
E31 43.986 Very nice campsite in Kruger Park, simple and small, no electricity, only running water and very quiet, For the real safari-feeling!
Skukuza Camp Skukuza, Kruger National park S24 59.709
E31 35.693 Big and busy campsite, more like a small village. We prefer a more quiet spot.
Komatipoort Camp Komatipoort S25 26.546
E31 57.798 Campsite with swimmingpool, the only stop between Kruger Park and Swaziland
Drakensberg Peak Dragon peaks mountain resort S29 01.108
E29 26.274 A beautiful huge campsite with shop, restaurant, swimmingpool and even a gas station.
Hartenbos Camp Hartenbos S34 07.673
E22 07.038 Nice seaview, but they are 'very' christian over here
Cape Town B+B Lezard bleu S33 56.545
E18 24.844 The very best place in Cape Town, whether you like sleeping, the best breakfast in town, drinking wine or a nice combination of all this. The German owners Chris and Nikola are great!
Stellenbosch B+B Stellenbosch S33 56.179
E18 51.224 Not recommended, you are better off at the campsite and sleeping in your own tent.
Stellenbosch Camp Stellenbosch S33 59.435
E18 49.808 Good campsite, but don't try one of the cottages, they are not nice!
Kommetjie Camp Kommetjie S34 07.972
E18 20.317 Nice, quiet and clean campsite
Belleville Camp Belleville S33 54.165
E18 36.800 The campsite is close to the highway and every five minutes there is a ambulance passing by with lots of noise, not really quiet!
Onrus rivier Camp Onrus rivier S34 24.935
E19 10.333 Nice campsite at the seasite, only the toilets and showers are not great.
De Hoop Camp De Hoop S34 25.047
E19 10.387 Small but lovely campsite with nice little cottages if you feel like a change and don't want to sleep in your tent.
Citrusdal Camp Citrusdal S32 35.642
E19 00.620 Nice enough campsite, but Citrusdal has not much to offer. The pool was rather nice, as it was boiling hot when we where there
Springbok Caravan and camping Springbok S29 40.350
E17 54.002 Campsite in an even more boring place, clean toilets. You might consider leaving if an overlander truck of Dragoman comes driving in!
Clanwilliam Camp Clanwilliam S32 11.787
E18 53.259 On the shore of an artificial lake, a good place.
Kotzeshoop Camp Sean S28 41.263
E17 33.792 The best place near Vioolsdrift if you are crossing into Namibia. Try a springbok at the bar!
Durban B+B Jessica S29 42.729
E31 05.390 Not really recommended, if you want to stay at a B&B in Durban you're much better of at the B&B On the Rocks, or, alternatively 'Honeypot', close-by
Kommetjie Alumat S34 07.985
E18 22.215 They can make anything you can think of in aluminium, Kirsty and Grant, two wonderful people.
Cape Town 4X4 Mega World S33 54.553
E18 28.340 4x4 accessories and they have plenty, but service is not their strong suit.
Cape Town Hannibal Safari equipment S33 56.416
E18 33.895 Super-service if you need any repairs done on your Hannibal tent, awning or roof rack.
Cape Town Land Rover Service Center S34 02.023
E18 29.105 Unofficial Land Rover workshop, you can get any parts you want but if you want them to put them on, you have to wait a bit, they have a waiting list of 2 months.
Franschhoek La Petit Ferme S33 55.122
E19 08.194 You just have to have a lunch here, with view over the vineyards.

place name waypoint description
Malolotja Malolotja Nature reserve S26 08.636
E31 07.906 Simple campsite in a national park, very beautiful and quiet, just like a bush camp.
Mlilwane Mlilwane Nature reserve S26 29.619
E31 11.100 Good campsite in a national park with a restaurant and bar. They also have a nice 4x4 trail you can drive.
Manzini Myxo's place Backpackers S26 29.841
E31 21.813 The place from which you leave on an excursion to Kaphunga, a traditional Swazi village. You can sleep in a room but they also let you camp on the drive way.
Kaphunga Kaphunga village S26 47.503
E31 32.240 This was a camp we had at the traditional Swazi Village. You book it at Myxo in Manzini and we can certainly recommend it!

place name waypoint description
Ai Ais Camp Ai Ais S27 55.190
E17 29.320 Big campsite with annoying baboons. But the natural hot pool was very relaxing.
Keetmanshoop Texas campsite S26 34.622
E18 07.942 Campsite for all cowboys and cowgirs, Texas in Namibia!
Gunsbewijs Camp Gunsbewijs S26 10.986
E16 21.417 Very tiny campsite, but really nice in a beautiful place at the red dunes.
Sesriem Camp Sossusvlei S24 29.210
E15 47.950 Gigantic campsite, try and find a place as far away from the overland trucks as possible and you'll be all right. Expensive!
Walvisbaai Camp Langstrand resort S22 48.660
E14 32.690 Campsite a the seaside, nice enough but the toilets and showers have seen better days.
Tsoabis Leopard park S22 22.803
E15 44.933 Very beautiful and quiet spot with a nice restaurant. They also have leopards here, 2, in a cage.
Windhoek Stop over S22 27.448
E17 04.508 If this place wasn't so close to a water treatment plant, it would be lovely.
Tsumeb municipal caravan and camping park S19 15.589
E17 42.625 Clean campsite, unfortunately they let the locals come and party till late at night so we did not sleep very well.
Etosha Camp Halali S19 02.178
E16 28.265 As far as we're concerned the best campsite in Etosha. It's worth an effort to try and find other campers with whom you can share a site, they charge per site (max. 8 people)
Etosha Camp Okaukuejo S19 10.977
E15 55.026 Bigger than Halali and fewer toilets. Same goes for this site, try and find someone to share!
Ondangwa Ondangwa rest camp S17 54.726
E15 58.483 Small and clean campsite, the bar can be loud in the evening!
Kunene river Kunene river lodge S17 21.268
E13 52.858 One of the better campsites annex lodges where you can easily spend a couple of days.
Epupa Epupa Falls public camping ground S17 00.124
E13 14.700 Wonderful place and make sure you chill out in the natural jacuzzis!
Otjihende Bush camp S17 38.662
E12 45.058 Bush camp with local Himba visitors, no problem, just make sure you've got some band aids, paracetamol and everyone is happy!
Puros municipal caravan and camping park S18 43.956
E12 56.514 After the 'challange' of Van Zyl's pas, a community campsite, so run by locals, spotlessly clean and very nicely laid out.
Ongongo Ongongo community campsite S19 08.422
E13 49.166 Swimming in a little natural lake with a little fall, which make you not worry too much about the basic toilet and shower.
Twijfelfontijn ABA HUAB Campsite S20 32.932
E14 23.918 Nice campsite with a small bar. You can have dinner (recommended) at the stunning lodge 5 km down the road.
Brandberg White lady lodge and camping S21 01.011
E14 41.101 Camping amont the desert elephants, but we did not see them
Windhoek Trans Kalahari Inn S22 32.942
E17 16.668 Small campsite annex lodge with an excellent restaurant. Water is sometimes a problem but the friendly German owners, Herr and Frau Grimm hope to solve that problem shortly. They also store overlander cars, so if you need a place to leave your vehicle, look no further.
Buitenpos Kalahari Bush Breaks S22 18.590
E19 44.970 Just before the border with Botswana and a good place to spend a night.
van Zijl's pas End of van Zijl's pas S17 40.199
E12 41.962 We were surprised how soon we had reached the end of Van Zyl's pas. If you have this waypoint in your GPS you won't be!
Walvisbaai Land Rover dealer S22 57.017
E14 30.971 Quick, cheap and excellent service.
Windhoek Land Rover dealer S22 35.413
E17 04.672 We only went here for a quote and they were very expensive, but if you need them, you now know where to find them.
Windhoek Off Road center S22 35.336
E17 05.160 4x4 shop for anything you think you need. If they don't have it in stock they can order it from J'burg and have it for you within 2 days.
Twijfelfontijn Twijfelfontijn Country Lodge S20 34.221
E14 22.213 Sleeping a the ABA HUAB campsite, and have lunch or dinner here, enjoying the views.

place name waypoint description
Maun Audi Camp S19 56.120
E23 31.010 Good campsite with a nice bar and nice enough restaurant. A good place when you want to visit Moremi and/or Chobe NP
Kwai River Camp North Gate Moremi NP S19 10.332
E23 45.193 Basic campsite just inside the gates of Moremi. Not fenced so watch out for the lions! If you want to save on park fees you can also stay at the communial campsite of Kwail 1 km outside the gate.
Xakanaxa Xakanaxa, Moremi NP S19 10.903
E23 24.865 Again a bush camp feeling at an official campsite, lions, leopards, elephants, the lot, so stay close to your tent!
Makgadikgadi pans Leroo La Tau S20 25.565
E24 31.214 Affordable luxurious lodge with lots of game. You can also camp between the elephants, zebras and lions.
Nata Nata Lodge S20 13.504
E26 16.108 Nice enough campsite and lodge in Nata, a place you only go because you have to pass through.
Kasane Toro Safari camp S17 47.749
E25 14.410 The very first campsite we ever saw with your own private shower and toilet, a restaurant and pool with a bar where they serve your drinks at the pool.
Kopong Arne's horseback riding S24 24.455
E25 50.627 Like a bush camp, but you have to pay (a little) and the location is quite nice!
Kalahari NP Kalahari camp S23 13.737
E24 20.911 There a few small campsites in the Kalahari that you have to yourself. The facilities are simple and brand new when we were there, so still clean. The real bush camp feeling!
Kalahari NP Kalahari Camp S22 17.177
E23 34.976 Like Kalahari 1
Francistown Francistown S21 11.968
E27 31.981 Good campsite though we cannot recommend the restaurant, which is overpriced.

place name waypoint description
Victoria Falls Victoria Falls Restcamp and lodges S17 55.519
E25 50.258 As so many places in Zimbabwe it has seen better days, but a nice pool and close to the falls.
Bulawayo Bulawayo community campsite S20 09.512
E28 35.665 Build in the seventies and never touched again. But all is clean and quiet, there was just one other car when we where there.
Sikato Kyle Nature reserve S20 14.300
E30 57.322 Beautifully situated at a lake with clean toilets and showers.
Juliandal adventure holiday farm S18 21.223
E32 36.323 Because the campsite where we planned to go to was no longer there we took our refuge here. A few little cottages not very tastefully decorated to say the least, for 40 US$

place name waypoint description
Bandula Casa Msika S19 02.428
E33 03.905 After Zimbabwe a nice enough place, eventhough there were zillion (biting) ants. We parked our car close to the restaurant and the lake (less ants!) and nobody seemed to mind.
Vilanculo Baobab beach S22 00.538
E35 19.317 Nice place with a beautiful bar overlooking the ocean. We did not stay here because there was a 'full moon party' planned that evening and Mirjam was ill.
Vilanculo Blue waters beach resort no information Camping for 20 US$ (!), we felt cheated and it is certainly not value for money.
Tofo Bamboozi S23 50.498
E35 32.217 Very relaxed place, beautiful beach and apparently great diving spot. Unfortunately camping was no longer allowed when we were there, but that might change again, so just ask. They have cheap little huts you can rent, or do like us, and rent the honeymoon hut with stunning ocean view for US$ 50.
Marracuene Casa Lisa S25 35.091
E32 39.282 Camping or staying at a little hut, 80 km north of Maputo. Very nice (and very British) owners and you can also have dinner here.

place name waypoint description
Livingstone Waterfront campsite S17 53.194
E25 50.662 Good campsite though for dinner you are better off in town.
Livingstone Jolly backpackers S17 50.872
E25 51.245 We thought it was very noisy and the bed was awful but it is very central in town and they allow camping in the parking lot (we didn?t do that).
Lusaka Lilaly lodge S15 32.465
E28 20.284 Because it was low season we could negotiate a good deal for a cottage. There is no camping. There is a campsite in the area, which looked nice enough, but when we were here it was raining constantly so we decided against camping.
Lusaka Lilaly lodge cottage S15 32.158
E28 17.287 When the lodge is full they can put you up in this house, but it is not really a good alternative.
Kafue NP Kafue National Park S16 28.046
E25 44.718 In Kafue you are allowed to camp anywhere, which makes it quite special. Of course that means no facilities but lots of peace and quiet.
outsite Kafue NP Mukambi Safary lodge S14 58.651
E25 59.603 A very beautiful lodge and there is also a possibility for camping. The (set) dinner is highly recommended, just skip the wine.
Kafue NP Chunga camp S15 02.584
E25 59.999 Just a basic campsite in a National Park, nothing special.
outsite Kafue NP David Shepherd campsite S15 46.621
E26 00.393 A beautiful spot with a view over the lake and the best service you could imagine on a campsite! Maybe you should let them know that you don?t need them to wash your car at 6 am.
Luanga Bridge Luanga Bridge Camp S15 00.361
E30 12.898 A good stop-over on the way to South Luanga.
Chipata Chipata, Mama Rulas S13 34.944
E32 36.593 A campsite run by South Africans, and that shows. Beautiful, clean and a nice place to relax for a while.
South Luanga NP South Luanga Wilderniss Camp S13 06.559
E31 45.228 With view on a hippo-packed river, a small but nice swimming pool, a nice bar and a restaurant, what more can you ask for?

place name waypoint description
Lilongwe Kiboko Camp S13 59.966
E33 45.575 A simple but nice campsite annex backpackers run by Dutch people.
Nkhata Bay Njaya lodge S11 37.240
E34 18.293 This is a nice quiet place and the only spot in Nkhata Bay where you can camp with your car with rooftent. The restaurant is good, the staff is better. Hopefully by the time you get there they have replaced management, because they were really awful.
Nkhata bay Aqua Africa S11 36.493
E34 18.051 If you haven?t been scuba diving before now here is your chance to get certified. The cheapest place in the world and they really pay attention to detail and safety. And you get to see all these beautiful fish!
Mzuzu Mzoozoozoo S11 27.443
E34 01.697 There are not many places to stay in Mzuzu if you want to camp and this is a nice place. The owners are very welcoming, but they surely like their beer and whiskey! When we were there they were working on hot showers and.. there is a playstation!
Nyika National park Nyika campsite S10 35.097
E33 47.956 Don?t skip this park when you are in Malawi. Simple but good campsite with nice hot showers and in the evening the guard will light a fire for you, which is nice because it gets really cold at night.
Livingstonia Lukwe perma camp S10 35.128
E34 07.663 A little piece of paradise. Great views over Lake Malawi, eco-friendly set-up with very helpfull staff, good dinners and make sure you try their home-made fresh bread!
Friday March 31, 2006 

East Africa
place name waypoint description
Mbeya Karibuni Mission S8 54.556
E33 26.635 A mission post with camping in the parking lot, there is also a restaurant.
50 km before Iringa Kisolanza, The old Farm House S8 08.746
E35 24.761 A pearl in Tanzania and please make sure you have dinner, you might think it is expensive until you?ve tasted it!
50 km before Morogoro Melela camp S6 56.578
E37 16.104 Very primitive, dirty long-drop toilets (which had turned into short-drops) and no water, skip it if you can.
Dar es Salaam Kipopeo camp S6 51.099
E39 21.698 Nice place on the beach south of Dar, you have to take the ferry. You can leave your car here if you want to go to Zanzibar. The restaurant is a bit overpriced but 100 meters down the beach there is a good Indian restaurant.
Dar es Salaam Holiday Inn S6 48.678
E39 17.613 Good hotel, international standards if you want to treat yourself to a nice air-conditioned room (it can get very hot in Dar). Emiel was not well so that's why we decided to go for air-conditioning! We left the car here when we went to Zanzibar; they don?t charge you for it.
Lushoto Irente clif view S4 48.092
E38 15.479 Lodge, in cheap Indian style but clean. They have a small field where you can camp and the view is stunning.
Arusha Masai camp S3 23.076
E36 43.189 Huge campsite with many overland trucks, so it might be noisy!
just outside Ngorongoro NP Moya hill S3 19.066
E35 44.065 A very nice quiet campsite and a good place to stay when you are on your way to Ngorongoro, just 20 k from the gate.
Ngorongoro NP Simba A S3 13.684
E35 29.429 Like a bush camp but it will cost you 20 US per person, and this is the cheapest option!
Serengeti NP Seronera S2 25.308
E34 51.873 Like in Ngorongoro also here you pay for the privilege to be in the park and not for the facilities, which are not so good.
Mwanza Mwanza Yachtclub S2 31.733
E32 53.685 They just renovated the toilets and showers but in the weekends it is very noisy. But it is close to the city (walking distance).
Mwanza Bujora Cultural Camp S2 32.528
E33 02.383 Like an open-air museum. The tour is not that interesting but when the yacht club is too noisy for you, this is a good alternative about 20 k from Mwanza. It is very basic.
Biharamulo Biharamulo fort S2 37.903
E31 18.295 An old fort where you can camp and make use of the clean toilets and hot showers. It is not in any guidebook and not signposted but it is a good place to stop when you are on your way to Rwanda, it is a long way to drive in one day.
Dar es Salaam Sudanese embassy S6 48.132
E39 17.103 Sudanese Embassy.
Dar es Salaam Land Rover dealer S6 48.760
E39 17.146 Professional Land Rover dealer in Dar es Salaam.
Mwanza Land Rover Mwanza S2 31.233
E32 53.947 Small but good Land Rover dealer/workshop.
Mwanza U-turn supermarket S2 30.904
E32 54.105 Supermarket, much better than the one in the guidebooks.

place name waypoint description
Hotel Okapi Kigali S1 56.476
E30 03.663 Don't believe what the Lonely Planet says. It's overpriced, breakfast is a laugh only the internet cafe is good.
Motel Ineza Butare S2 35.998
E29 44.590 Camping in the parkinglot, toilet and shower are basic but clean. Nice people.
Uwinka HQ Nyungwe NP S2 28.663
E29 11.993 Nice enough place to camp but expensive; it's cheaper to rent a room. These are basic and the rooms at the ORTPN Resthouse, 15 km down the road, are a much better deal.
ORTPN Resthouse Nyungwe NP S2 26.430
E29 05.535 Nice clean rooms with bathroom and cheap.
Kibuye Guest house Kibuye S2 03.493
E29 20.717 Nice little rondavel-style rooms with a beautiful view over the lake. You can also camp here but it is close to the generator (which will be used because power supply is a problem in Rwanda, and there was a very fishy smell. You might first want to check out Bethanie Guesthouse, cheaper and also very nice.
Kinigi Guest house Kinigi, Vulcanoes NP S1 25.955
E29 35.906 Cheap lodgings close to the Gorilla tracks headquarters.

place name waypoint description
Bunyonyi Overland Camp Kabale S1 16 16.5
E29 56 22.0 What a place! The grass is green, the lake is blue, the bar is nice, the food is good, the beer is cold and the showers hot.
Masaka Masaka camp S0 21 48.2
E31 42 51.6 You shouldn't go out of your way to see it, but if you have to come this way it is a good place to stop. Nice people and at the time they were working to improve the campsite.
Kalanga Ssese Islands Hornbill campsite S0 18 44.8
E32 17 23.9 A Dutch guy married to a local woman; they bought the place a few years ago and never did any work. But the food is nice and the view spectaculair, the toilets less so.
Kampala Red Chilly backpackers N0 19 12.5
E32 37 48.7 Big backpackers with lots of overlander trucks. But we liked it and it is much better than the other one mentioned in the LP.
Jinja Speke camp N0 28 56.9
E33 09 29.6 If the noise of waterfalls doesn't keep you awake, this is the place to go, paradise! And you have to go rafting!!
Sipi Falls Moses camp N1 20 08.4
E34 22 31.3 Very small and basic, but the local guy is trying hard!
Kampala Land Rover Dealer N0 19 50.7
E32 36 50.4 Modern Land Rover dealer.

place name waypoint description
Kitale Sirikwa N1 10 39.4
E35 06 29.7 Campsite run by a 150-year-old lady and her 120-year-old son, that's how they look anyway! But it's like you're in England and a very nice place!
Nakuru Kumbe Camp S0 05 17.5
E35 47 53.8 Very beautiful campsite, only drawback is that it can be very crowded with overlandtrucks. Workshop for your car around the corner!
Nairobi Jungle Junction S1 17 19.9
E36 45 37.9 The place for overlanders in Nairobi. Camping in the garden or a nice room in the house. Use of kitchen, bathroom, washing machine, everything you could wish for. Chris, the owner, is a source of information on all kinds of things you might want or need to to in Nairobi.
Isiolo Range land Hotel N0 17 31.6
E37 33 26.8 Quiet campsite with hot showers. A good place before or after you tackle(d) the road to Marsabit
Marsabit Swiss Farmer N2 20 45.5
E37 57 57.3 Not an official campsite but on the land of a farmer, but there are showers (hot) and clean toilets. The locals will approach you and do your shopping if you wish.
Naivasha Malewa, Kigio Wildlife conservancy S0 32 19.2
E36 24 09.7 Just outside Nairobi, a beautiful quiet campsite, in the middle of a wonderful nature park. Also a good place to go for a weekend if you are stuck in Nairobi for some reason.
Maralal Yare Club and Camp N1 03 32.2
E36 42 40.4 Campsite with a nice bar, the restaurant wasn't very impressive but maybe it was just the time of the year. If you plan it right you can watch the camel race!
South Horr Mission post N2 10 09.5
E36 54 28.9 The guidebook makes you believe there is a nice campsite in this 'village'. There isn't. But at this mission post we were allowed to camp, and they have toilets and a nice cold shower.
Loiyangalani Palm oasis N2 45 22.9
E36 43 15.7 A super spot in the middle of the desert, the owner is a guy form Kenya and has managed to really built something nice in the oasis!
Chalbi Dessert Bush camp Chalbi Dessert N3 26 15.4
E37 45 04.0 Bush camp at the top of a hill with a view!
Nairobi Schumacher S1 20 17.1
E36 43 29.1 German guy who has started an independent Land Rover garage. He is not cheap, and might take some getting used to, but he is good!

place name waypoint description
Yavello Catholic Mission, Father Vincent N4 53 29.4
E38 06 05.2 No one speaks English in this village but if you ask for Father Vincent you will be alright. Camping on the baseball grounds. Facilities.. one long drop.
Awassa Adenium N7 04 33.3
E38 29 02.2 Camping/guesthouse run by a German lady (Jana) who is a great cook. You have to stay a couple of days not only for the food but also for the nice place she has made with really good facilities. It's not big though, so don't come with a group!
Dinsho Bale National Park, HQ camp N7 05 46.2
E39 47 32.2 Camping on 3300 meters, make sure you get some firewood, you will need it. Apparently there is also a sauna!
Katcha Bale National Park, Katcha camp N6 42 58.8
E39 43 34.6 Hard to find and not really a campsite, just a field, no facilities at all.
Addis abeba Baro Hotel N9 01 50.7
E38 45 13.1 In the middle of Addis, camping in the courtyard, small but nice. Meeting place for overlanders.
Addis abeba Meridien Hotel N8 59 33.4
E38 46 53.1 Just outside the centre, cheap and nice enough. A good place in case you need to get out of the city, like us!
Addis abeba Sudanees Embassy N9 00 23.3
E38 44 41.8 We hope you won't need to go here, if you do, be prepared, this guy is one of the worst people we ever met.
Dessie Ghion Hotel N11 07 30.3
E39 37 54.7 Old derilict hotel where you can camp, you have to be insistent!
Lalibela Lal Hotel N12 01 35.5
E39 02 26.2 Hotel that allows camping, they will open a room for you. Opposite this hotel a Dutch/Ethiopian guy is builing a new place that looks promising and here to you can camp; might be worth checking out first.
Gogora, lake Tana Gorgora Hotel N12 14 19.1
E37 18 10.3 Government hotel, old and dirty but in a beautiful spot. They allow camping in the parkinglot.
Shehehedy Bush camp N12 33 25.2
E36 53 49.2 A nice spot for a bush camp between Gondor and the border with Sudan
Addis abeba Land Rover Dealer N8 58 52.6
E38 45 48.0 Modern Land Rover dealer

place name waypoint description
Doka Bush camp N13 44 42.7
E35 28 30.1 Bush camp in an area where shepherds on camels herd their goats. If you are lucky you are offered a free camel ride, but thye leave you in peace when you want.
Khartoum Blue Nile Sailing club N15 36 41.9
E32 32 04.7 Only place in town to camp. A bit overpriced and every night there is very loud music from the party tent of the neighbours. Luckily to stop at 11 pm sharp.
Naqa Bush camp N16 18 58.6
E33 16 53.1 Just a nice place in the middle of nowhere
Meroe Bush camp N16 56 15.4
E33 45 27.8 Bush camp with a beautiful view over the pyramids. Ther were some aggresive touts, but once they left it was a magical place.
Bayuda Desert, on the road to Karima Bush camp N18 13 43.4
E31 58 25.7 Camping behind a sand dune with not a soul around.
Bayuda Desert, on the road to Karima Bush camp N18 02 08.8
E32 36 35.9 Open plain in the desert.
Musmat Bush camp N18 14 10.4
E35 40 10.5 In the desert between Atbara and Port Sudan. You're better of avoiding this spot because there were the most horrible spiders you can imagine.
Port Sudan Hilton Hotel Port Sudan N19 36 45.7
E37 13 30.0 Very luxerious and the price is open for negotiation
Khartoum Embassy of Saudi Arabia N15 34 26.5
E32 32 49.3 Transit visum within two days, make sure you have two (black and white) photographs, and you have your Jordan visum in your passport and a letter from your embassy stating that you are married (of course not necessary when you are a single guy, for a single girl it's almost impossible to get the visa) and that you will be traveling on to Europe. It's not necessary to make use of the agent opposite the embassy; it saves you a lot of money if you don't.
Khartoum Embassy Jordan N15 34 24.2
E32 32 51.7 Visa within two days
Khartoum Embassy Netherlands N15 35 29.8
E32 32 30.4 For a nice afternoon chatting at the pool and in the meantime get your recommendation letter (if you are Dutch!)
Port Sudan Shipping agent N19 36 32.1
E37 13 08.9 Agent for buying your ticket for the ferry from Suakin - Jeddah
Musmar railway N18 12 55.2
E35 36 14.2 Place between Atbara and Haiya. At Musmar you are back on the railway track.
Haiya junction desert - tar road N18 19 33.8
E36 22 27.7 Junction where the tar road to Port Sudan starts when you come from Atbara.
Friday March 31, 2006 

Middle East and Europe
Saudi Arabia
place name waypoint description
Umm Laij hotel N25 03 00.5
E37 15 50.5 Cheap basic hotel, huge rooms with aircon
Jeddah Michelin dealer N21 30 41.0
E39 11 22.6 Cheap Michelin tyres, nice people and great service

place name waypoint description
Al Aqaba Mermaid Camp N29 26 24.1
E34 58 16.4 Campground on the (dirty) beach, owned by a nice guy who cooks very well
Wadirum dessert Bush camp N29 32 15.2
E35 26 17.2 Most beautiful bush camp ever!
Petra Marriot Hotel N30 18 14.8
E35 27 49.8 4 star hotel with good deals
Jerash Olivebranche Resort N32 17 43.9
E35 51 18.7 No nonsense campsite, toilets shared with the pool guests, basic restaurant, no alcohol
Amman Marriot Hotel N31 58 23.4
E35 54 24.6 Luxurious hotel, make sure they allow you in the business lounge, free drinks, breakfast and dinner
Amman Embassy Syria N31 57 20.4
E35 53 33.9 Embassy in case you need your Syrian visa, you need a letter from your Embassy about who you are
Amman Safeway supermarket N31 58 52.7
E35 53 39.8 Big supermarket
Amman Land Rover workshop N31 56 27.2
E35 50 49.5 Unofficial but very good Land Rover workshop, lots of parts. Official Land Rover dealer is close by but very unpleasant and expensive

place name waypoint description
Damascus Harasta Campsite N33 32 47.4
E36 20 52.3 Difficult to find but a very nice grassy campsite just outside the city, good bus connections.
Hama Basman Hotel N35 07 51.5
E36 45 30.4 Cheap and basic hotel with lots of street noise

place name waypoint description
Tuz Golu Bush camp N39 03 20.9
E33 26 44.3 Not too far off the road but out of sight, nice view over the lake.

Desconectado M. López

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #98 en: Vie, 25 Diciembre 2009, 20:36:38, pm »
Hola David!!!

Por donde andas? Hace tiempo que no se sabe nada de tí !!!

Cuentanos algo si te conectas algún día!! 

Saludosss y felices fiestas!!! Un abrazo.

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #99 en: Vie, 25 Diciembre 2009, 21:27:55, pm »
Un saludo donde estés  :D
dunesdesorra: M'agrada mirar lluny!

He podido volver al desierto, ahora me queda subir montañas....

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #100 en: Vie, 25 Diciembre 2009, 21:41:04, pm »
Feliz Navidad David,espero que todo este bien.
Un saludo

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #101 en: Jue, 07 Enero 2010, 14:50:48, pm »
Feliz ano, no os riais que no tengo ene, jaja
Ya estoy en el ESTE!!! ma costao.
Ya os cuento mas tranquilo, estoy en lusaka - Zambia. he venido por Angola.
Gracias house por la informacion, la imprimi en matadi, (congo) pero desde entonces no me conecte a internet para darte las gracias me viene fenomenal.

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #102 en: Jue, 07 Enero 2010, 14:57:43, pm »
Ese David a toooooope!!!!

Que pasa hombre? Me alegro de leerte.

Ya por el este!! Que bueno!! Continuas con la idea de ir a India?

Cuídate campeón!!!  Feliz "ano" !!! jejejeje...

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #103 en: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 09:25:21, am »
 :D ese Manolo!!! que tal las fiestas?
por la india no me da tiempo, bueno ya se verá. ;) se podria pedir permiso a la jefa que lo veo dificil.
Ahora estoy y Por fin estoy al otro lado de Africa,  con Internet decente, sigo la ruta hacia el norte, Zambia (Lusaka) donde estoy ahora,  Tanzania, kenia, etiopia, luego o bien paso a djibuti o al norte de Somalia, para pasar a Yemen, Oman , emiratos arabes (para visado de iran) Oman,  iran, pakistan, Afganistán, tadschikistan,….españa.  Voy cojiendo información de los viajeros que me encuentro para los visados, y rutas. Por ahora todo va fenomenal disfrutando como un enano. Ahora estoy con yu un japones que nos llevamos fenomenal,  subo solo hacia etiopia y me reencuentro con el alli, para pasar a Yemen,  la unica putada es que aquí se conduce por la izquierda y para adelantar, con el volante a la izquierda, tengo que hacer malabares cuando voy solo,  :P
 La gente de aquí es estupenda igual que la de Angola de donde vengo.
Ahí vas unas fotos:

feliz anio nuevo.

yu y yo. brazabille y angola

nos pensamos si comernos estos murcielagos o unas preciosas langostas a un euro cada una  ;D ;D. ANGOLA

pepe pedales, yu y un servidor

con pepe que se a dado la vuelta al mundo en todo cacharro que pilla, incluido una barca a pedales desde nueva york hasta .. no me acuerdo , jaja pero se tiro un anio y pico. los hay locos. pues estoy con la idea de viajar con un parapente con motor pasar las frontera rodando y luego volando tramos y haciendo algo en tierra. bueno una historia que estoy fraguando... ;D ;D

echando una mano a Miki y yesika.

frontera de angola con zambia, que fue triunfal,los policias estaban borrachos como casi siempre y yo llevaba una taja como un piano, era mi cumple, teniamos el visado caducado hacia 25 dias, ;D ;D despues de negociar unas 5 horas mas taja todavia, de pedirnos 120 dolares por dia de retraso se nos queda en 800 kuanzas por todo unos 7 euros.

monumentos de angola. fijaos en las ventanas.

ya os contare mas.
« Última modificación: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 10:19:54, am por feldavid2 »

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #104 en: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 09:51:24, am »
 :D :D :D Feliz año  :D :D :D

 ;D ;D ;D Sigues siendo mi ídolo  ;D ;D ;D, de mayor quiero ser como tú  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #105 en: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 10:47:47, am »
feliz año paisano, te lo estas pasando como un enano.

te felicito de nuevo!!
Un saludo desde ...

Desconectado M. López

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #106 en: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 12:49:02, pm »
Hombre Daviddd!!! Que alegría saber de tí!!! Tío! Eres como los actores!!! En una foto con melena y en otras rapado  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Vaya fotos guapas!! Siempre hay alguien más colgado que tú!! Ese colega, Pepe Pedales, debe ser la hostia!!jajaja Tiene que tener muuuucha vida!!!Dile que nos cuente algo!!!

Me alegro por tí David!! Te veo alegre!! Y eso es muy bueno!!

¿Ahora vas solo? ¿No llevas compañia? Lo comento por los adelantamientos....

En fin!! Cuída a la "Lola" (el camión), cuídate y disfruta muuuucho David!!!

Te mando un fuerte abrazo y muuuucha fuerza!!!  ;)

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #107 en: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 14:39:47, pm »
Vaya historias tendrás ya para contar...y lo que te falta aún antes de llegar...

En fin, feliz año, enhorabuena por haber llegado ya al este y mucha suerte para lo que te falta.

dunesdesorra: M'agrada mirar lluny!

He podido volver al desierto, ahora me queda subir montañas....

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #108 en: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 14:48:11, pm »
Ostras!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

No tienes el pelo cortado!!! Lo tienes recogido. ;D ;D ;D ;D

No me había fijado bien!!!

David!! Vaya dibujos Wuapos que tiene la Lola!!!! Son mogollón de autenticos!!
Cuando puedas pon alguna fotillo de ella con sus nuevos alagos!! Gracias.

« Última modificación: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 15:58:49, pm por M. López »

Desconectado House

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #109 en: Lun, 11 Enero 2010, 14:56:37, pm »
hola Feldavid

pasar por el norte de Somalia o ir a Yemen, ahora mismo es jugarte la vida por nada.

no vayas, tienes el 99% de posibilidades de no salir bien parado. Djibouti es seguro


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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #110 en: Mar, 12 Enero 2010, 14:24:42, pm »
Hola house, en principio yo creia que si, que por djibuiti era mejor, incluso me lo dijo uno que vivia en sana pero me he encontrado a unos moteros que vienen de alli, y dicen que djibuiti es un infierno y somaliland (por berbera)  esta muy tranquila, pero al final no se por donde ire.

Tengo entendido que somaliland es un pais independiente pero no esta reconocido, es mas tranquilo. No tiene nada que ver con somalia en teme de seguridad.

pego de

A diferencia del caótico sur de Somalia, Somalilandia ha permanecido durante estos 17 años en un relativo estado de paz, y ha disfrutado de una estabilidad inexistente en el resto de Somalia. Lo estable del país ha permitido la formación de un estado más bien democrático basado en un sistema de clanes, con unas instituciones fuertes, una moneda propia (el chelín somalilandés), un parlamento bicameral, servicios de policía y fuerzas armadas y demás atributos que normalmente tiene cualquier estado. Su capital, Hargeisa, es considerada una de las ciudades más seguras de África, donde funciona una pequeña industria turística (y también Internet vía satélite), y el país mantiene relaciones económicas con Etiopía, Arabia Saudí y otros países de la zona.

pego del wikypedia

Somalilandia (en somalí: Soomaaliland) es un país independiente de facto ubicado al noroeste de Somalia, en el llamado Cuerno de África, al este del continente africano.

No es reconocido internacionalmente pero posee gobierno, moneda y una constitución propios e incluso un desarrollo económico mayor, además de mayor estabilidad política que Somalia.

y del maec

en la actualidad el país se encuentra dividido en tres zonas: la región autónoma de Somaliland  que se autoproclamó independiente: la región autónoma de Puntland y la región central y meridional de Somalia De todas ellas, la región menos inestable es Somaliland pero tampoco escapa a los incidentes violentos y a los enfrentamientos interregionales como el que le enfrenta con Puntland.

Pues eso que no se por donde ire supongo que me encontrare a mas viajeros para aclararme si voy por yibuti o somalilandia que suena a walt disney :) :)
« Última modificación: Mar, 12 Enero 2010, 14:37:56, pm por feldavid2 »

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #111 en: Mar, 12 Enero 2010, 14:43:06, pm »
De somaliland no se nada, pero todo lo que suene a somalia...este verano un amigo entro desde Etiopia a Djibouti a cargar el coche en un container y sin problema, pero es info de hace 5 meses

en yemen han cerrado las embajas americanas e inglesas, sola la española resiste, pero la han blindado. se espera un ataque de los americanos  los campos de entrenamiento de alqaeda, con los cual los blanquitos no seran muy bien recibidos por alla.

yo salgo hoy, con lo cual las contestaciones se haran esperar.

cuenta como has pasado de angola a zambia y como te ha ido por congo


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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #112 en: Mar, 12 Enero 2010, 14:55:07, pm »
Pues no sabia nada de yemen, por congo sin problema,y angola menos, pase por la frontera antes de matadi y la mejor de mi vida me dieron de todo vino, agua, cambio de moneda, el mismo jefe de policia. te digo la ruta que hice por angola y congo que tengo el mapa en el carro y me lo estan lavando.
suerte y no te olvides el carnet passage,  ;)

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #113 en: Dom, 17 Enero 2010, 21:42:26, pm »
Un saludo FelDavid.
Seguiremos pendiente de tu viaje y en cuanto puedas esas fotitos del camion con la nueva decoración.

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #114 en: Mié, 27 Enero 2010, 16:01:57, pm »
zambia, tanzania, kenia, por fin carreteras se me van a gastar las ruedas,  ;D ;D
Y sainz gana el dakar !!! no ha roto?  ;D y Marcos Patronelli quads, no se quien es..

« Última modificación: Mié, 27 Enero 2010, 16:24:38, pm por feldavid2 »

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #115 en: Mié, 27 Enero 2010, 16:36:13, pm »
Hola David, me alegro que todo vaya bien, el amigo House esta ahora en Gambia.
Un abrazo y adelante

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #116 en: Mié, 27 Enero 2010, 17:08:44, pm »
Los hermanos Patronelli son argentinos Marcos 1º y Alejandro 2º...

SUerte con ese pedazo de viajeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Desconectado M. López

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #117 en: Mié, 27 Enero 2010, 19:39:47, pm »
Buena ruta David!!!

Continua disfrutando....  ;)


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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #118 en: Mié, 27 Enero 2010, 19:52:32, pm »
Gracias, aqui ando en nairobi, al lado de unos unicat, eso es vida, y no los pobres como nosotros,
No te lo vas a creer pero uno de ellos tiene un pequeño problema mecanico y ha venido un tio de alemania solo para arreglarselo, jaja
mañana me va a dar verguenza cuando empiece mi sesion matutina de rellenar liquidos, jaja.  ;D

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Re: Atravesar africa de oeste a este.
« Respuesta #119 en: Mié, 27 Enero 2010, 19:56:52, pm »
te hago una pregunta, de presion de neumaticos, yo normalmente las llevo a 6 o incluso 6.5 kg en carretera en pista 4 o 5 y en arena incluso 1 kg pero normal voy a 2 o 3 kg. pero ando mosqueado porque me comen mucho por el centro vamos las llevo gastaditas pero mas por el centro, les he preguntado y me dicen que 4 esta bien incluso 3 delante, tu que opinas? los de unicat saben.
« Última modificación: Mié, 27 Enero 2010, 20:01:55, pm por feldavid2 »